Indirizzo IMT Via Cavour, 2 - Como NExT Innovation Hub - 22074 Lomazzo (CO) Italy
Indirizzo IMT Via Cavour, 2 - Como NExT Innovation Hub
22074 Lomazzo (CO) Italy
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IMT is an innovative start-up whose objective is the research and development of products, solutions and services of high technological value in the support of people's health and well-being.

The competence and reliability derived from the team's bag of knowledge, combined with skills in mechanics, physics and biology, allow for multidisciplinary action to effectively interact with the medical-scientific world.

Como NExT

IMT's operative base is set within the Polo Tecnologico ComoNExT, one of the most important and innovative Hubs in Italy, now integrated in Como NExT. The objective is to bring the most recent innovations within its activity, in synergy with other partners to grow and develop its ideas and realize them using resources from an andvanced technological network.